Қазақ халқының жерлеу ғұрпындағы рәсімдердің археологиялық деректермен сабақтастығы
Кілт сөздер:
жерлеу ғұрпы, мәйіт, тарихи сабақтастық, наным-сенімдерАңдатпа
In the article, the authors determined the continuity of some traditions in the funeral rites of the Kazakh people and tried to reveal their essence by connecting some ancient rituals with archaeological data.
Аrchaeological and ethnographic data are used in the article.
The authors associate the mass departure of the deceased to his last journey in the funeral rites of the Kazakh people, the gathering of a large number of people for dinner with the construction of large mounds in ancient times. In addition, the slaughter of a horse for the food of a dead person is considered as a relic of burial with a horse in ancient times.